Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Does It Mean When Your Period Is Like Mucus Like Mucus Question...?

Mucus question...? - what does it mean when your period is like mucus like

Okay. I have many pages that in trying to help, to become pregnant. that any mention of the mucus, which look like egg white and is very elastic. say that when she is most fertile. But if it's good when your time? The mucus is clear and "elastic" without bloodshed. but I am in my time, I might add, is the heaviest ever in my life and I was early. What the hell did. Yes, my husband and I are trying to do. Please help. Does this mean that I am most productive at that time not yet arrived.


TLT said...

Post or read, your fertility by Toni Weshclur. It explains everything that happens in our body. I could not stop reading was so interesting and I have a much better understanding of what looks like mucus. It is possible that you do not do not apply during the time of ovulation or shortly after his 14-day rule for all women. Have you tried the during the test to predict ovulation?

swati_ch... said...

is an indicator of ovulation

HW78 said...

I think your body cleanse itself. I would do ovulation tests per month, as it probably is not ovulate, while the body frees itself from an old surface in recent months. Best of luck TTC!

gumsy said...

The way to examine is whether the mucus is difficult, the most difficult track route, closer to ovulation.

The mucus before your period is just the beginning of the peeling of the mucous membrane, it means your fertile. It can only be a fertile ground in the days 13 to 16 of your rules.

Stress can do that sooner or later. No stress of pregnancy, let it happen naturally. Eat well, many exersice and fresh air.

Summie said...

The chances of getting pregnant are highest around 14 days after your last period.

ashley j said...

is the mucus plug keeps the bottom of the uterus during pregnancy is associated with foreign objects can get the baby. not even when trying to concieve. May talk about the cervical mucus. It is more like a download that lets you know that you could be ovulating. Some women ovulate during their period. perhaps why it had during his tenure.

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