Sunday, January 24, 2010

Girl Masterbates With Fish How Can You Tell If A Girl Masterbates??

How can you tell if a girl masterbates?? - girl masterbates with fish

How can you tell if girls Master Bates. I mean seriously. Ideas? Please answer!


kirk1500 said...

1. You may wonder, but they will probably beat you.
2. Look in the window, but are likely to arrest
3. Ask friends, but they can beat her friend to get you to be rude.
4. Try to smell, to see if it smells bad, but could not reach the two beat and arrested.
5. ask him to marry his date to have sex, then ask. it may take a couple of years, but you probably have your answer.

I can no other way.

UrLatest... said...

lol interesting question. but be honest with you ..... can not always say. It is a bit like saying in a position to determine whether a girl is still a virgin. never be known with certainty with the naked eye. I think the only way I know is when you or someone says, and you can just by the way your personality (but the insurance does not mean it) to us. However, you may be surprised, because I think theres a possibility that innocent girl so strange how the Indians can be open quietly. haha anyway, you can never gunna worth it unless asked what I would feel very much doubt it had to say. Why you should know, anyway? lol

sunshine... said...

Ask him! If your fear then, as a rule, as it talks about sex is a gift. If she is very open and happy things are new opportunities, it does. If they shy and quiet, probably not. About 98% of PPL in the world do not take no time or not is another story. LOL

Tinman said...

Wow, what a very important issue. What are the H - L do you care anyway? You know, if you know more?

You must have hands.Speaking too much time on their hands, you do not masterbate?
Does it matter disclosed to third parties?


Prince Of Darkness said...

Well look, how they react to certain things, try not to take a few Askin sho fun it seriously, and if all else fails, ask the winner!

¨Śŵâĝĝŝ¨ said...

Attempts to include it as a joke or a reference in conversation. If all else fails ask lol.

Kell said...

......... ok .. Leme ask you:
As you can tell if a child mastubates?
... u can not right? I mean .. cmon ... telling you to masturbate?
.. dats soo ridiculous!

Gwendolyn Röttentwat said...

You nasty person. Men are the ones who should.

Anonymous said...

haha, that 1 guy who has never been Poon

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