Friday, January 29, 2010

Gums Wart A Wart On My Gum ?

A wart on my gum ? - gums wart

ok good for a few months ago I had this strange thing on my gum and I went to the dentist the other day and told me that it is a wart? which is rare. It said research in the country, and they all know that genital warts.

I have oral sex, a boy, my friend. We were both virgins when we met and had no physical contact with other people either.

He has never had a wart. I had one or on foot. none of us had cold sores, but I shared drinks, etc had with a friend.

Is there any other reason Yi might have a wart on my chewing gum, without a genital warts?


Savanah said...

Warts are generally harmless growths on the skin. They are very common and affects about 1 child out of 10 Warts can be anywhere on the skin or mucous membranes (mouth, genitals), but most often in the hands, fingers, feet and face.

Distributed Warts May, usually by direct contact with someone who has warts. Picking or scratching can lead to the spread of warts in the same person. You can also indirectly through pools or public showers, especially when they get to barefoot and scratches or cuts.

Half of all warts disappear within 2 years, but it is not predictable. You can play longer in adults or people with immune system problems.

There are many types of wart viruses, and you can develop immunity against a kind, but warts, by another type. Immunity is not permanent.
• Warts can have many different appearances, flat, shiny, long stems or large bumps in the rough.
• You can ugly and embarrassing.
• Can be painful, especially if the feet or under fingernails.
• Warts oneRe by a family of viruses as human papillomavirus (HPV). Once infected with the virus, it may take up to one year or more will be visible to the warts. Then, they grow very slowly over a period of several months to several years.
• Genital warts are caused by a different family of HPV types. It is sexually transmitted and can sometimes lead to cancer of the cervix and vulva. This is not the case for common warts.
Treatment depends on the age of the patient and the number and location of warts. Treatment is not guaranteed, and many others require several attempts.

No treatment

• It is necessary for the treatment of warts, especially if they do not cause problems.
Current treatments

• One approach is good to keep the wart with duct tape as occlusive disease, duct tape, covered 24 hours a day. It's easy and cheap, and can help prevent the spread of warts.
• freezing with liquid nitrogen is a common treatment is effective, but painful.
• paints contain salicylic acid or lactic acid can be used andeffective in 7 of 10 children. These layers are removed from the infected skin. Podophyllin is toxic to the warts, but are not used during pregnancy. It can work up to 3 months.
Before painting, it is important to prepare the skin by soaking the wart in warm hot water for 10 minutes after the peeling (rubbing with a pumice stone or nail file). The paint is then applied to the wart, with attention to avoid the surrounding normal skin. You can use petroleum jelly such as Vaseline, to protect the skin around the wart. Let dry, then cover with tape.
Other treatments

• There are other treatments that stimulate the immune system recognize and destroy cells that are infected with the wart virus. They may be considered if the above treatments do not work or if too many warts.
• We can not be cut, because the warts of default risk, and healing.
• Warts are very common neoplasms of the skin without risk is caused by a virus.
• Warts can spread between people or the same person.
• Half of all warts disappear within 2 andEars.
• It is necessary for the treatment of warts, especially if they cause problems

Savanah said...

Warts are generally harmless growths on the skin. They are very common and affects about 1 child out of 10 Warts can be anywhere on the skin or mucous membranes (mouth, genitals), but most often in the hands, fingers, feet and face.

Distributed Warts May, usually by direct contact with someone who has warts. Picking or scratching can lead to the spread of warts in the same person. You can also indirectly through pools or public showers, especially when they get to barefoot and scratches or cuts.

Half of all warts disappear within 2 years, but it is not predictable. You can play longer in adults or people with immune system problems.

There are many types of wart viruses, and you can develop immunity against a kind, but warts, by another type. Immunity is not permanent.
• Warts can have many different appearances, flat, shiny, long stems or large bumps in the rough.
• You can ugly and embarrassing.
• Can be painful, especially if the feet or under fingernails.
• Warts oneRe by a family of viruses as human papillomavirus (HPV). Once infected with the virus, it may take up to one year or more will be visible to the warts. Then, they grow very slowly over a period of several months to several years.
• Genital warts are caused by a different family of HPV types. It is sexually transmitted and can sometimes lead to cancer of the cervix and vulva. This is not the case for common warts.
Treatment depends on the age of the patient and the number and location of warts. Treatment is not guaranteed, and many others require several attempts.

No treatment

• It is necessary for the treatment of warts, especially if they do not cause problems.
Current treatments

• One approach is good to keep the wart with duct tape as occlusive disease, duct tape, covered 24 hours a day. It's easy and cheap, and can help prevent the spread of warts.
• freezing with liquid nitrogen is a common treatment is effective, but painful.
• paints contain salicylic acid or lactic acid can be used andeffective in 7 of 10 children. These layers are removed from the infected skin. Podophyllin is toxic to the warts, but are not used during pregnancy. It can work up to 3 months.
Before painting, it is important to prepare the skin by soaking the wart in warm hot water for 10 minutes after the peeling (rubbing with a pumice stone or nail file). The paint is then applied to the wart, with attention to avoid the surrounding normal skin. You can use petroleum jelly such as Vaseline, to protect the skin around the wart. Let dry, then cover with tape.
Other treatments

• There are other treatments that stimulate the immune system recognize and destroy cells that are infected with the wart virus. They may be considered if the above treatments do not work or if too many warts.
• We can not be cut, because the warts of default risk, and healing.
• Warts are very common neoplasms of the skin without risk is caused by a virus.
• Warts can spread between people or the same person.
• Half of all warts disappear within 2 andEars.
• It is necessary for the treatment of warts, especially if they cause problems

Medic Loretta said...

Genital warts, it is not! :)
1) appears only genital warts in the genital area (which is why we are called genital warts)
2) that were both virgins, and genital warts are sexually transmitted diseases - sexually transmitted diseases!

It seems that somehow the oral wart! and they need as soon as possible because it can spread can be disposed of?

If you really want to permanently remove warts, then you know you can remove warts by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or cream, but in May the warts over and over again, because warts occurs when the immune system is weak! Therefore, you must build up your immune system, because your body can get rid of warts even if your immune system is strong! Eating healthier foods, more vitamins and more sports!
No smoking ( 'Bring beer / EFA, no alcohol, no drugs, no junk food, no fast food garbage, not sugary sweet soda. You are eating a balanced diet, health, containing plenty of vegetables boiled or steamed. PLENTYOFWATER drinks, fruit juices and skim milk. snacks on lots of RAW fruits and vegetables. Get up early every morning and take a brisk walk of 30 minutes - then - do the same thing night after dinner. Be sure to eat a balanced breakfast every day. You get your energy food for the day of their breakfast. Get 8 hours sleep per night. Flip over your mattress level, to give you a good night's sleep. Loosen too much coffee and tea.)

HPV is the virus that causes warts. And the virus has many strains of HPV. If the HPV virus strain No. 2 You can be infected with HPV have no symptoms. Others develop warts. These warts can remain the same size, grow or disappear by themselves. It depends on the immune system of the infected person. A healthy immune system means that you have your body in a position to remove the virus and show no symptoms.

You also need a treatment plant!

Wartrol in this case is a good (probably better) product that is free of warts fairly quickly and you feel more confident that used to appear again! ies is designed for genital warts, but
does not matter, because the warts are warts and wartrol works by stimulating the immune system to fight against the HPV virus that causes warts. Of course, it is best if you use the bike path (5 months - if I remember correctly).

It worked and still works for me!

I do not know if Wartrol pharmacies selling, but I know that you are buying directly from the manufacturer and you should learn more about the product here

Good luck!

Health + Work

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